算命学であそぼ① 位相法ブートキャンプ

by StarStarRain(スタスタレイン)



【Overview】Topological method, the memorization part of sanmenology. I thought that if there was an app that could be mastered like a game, I would want it.I would like people who are studying Sanmeigaku or those who are going to study it to make use of it.[Game Mode]① - Boot Camp② - Subordinate Arithmetic - JyuseiMath[Boot Camp]Select one of the following and press the correct zodiac or 10 buttons as many times as possible within 30 seconds. // phase method・ Support, Hankai (Triad), Ho Sanai, Repulsion, Harm, Punishment, Conflict// 12 Major Constellations・Tenposei・Teninsei・Tenkisei・Tenkyusei・Tennansei・Tenrokusei・Tenshosei・Tendosei・Tengosei・Tengyokusei・Tenkosei・Tenchisei// 28 yuan・28 yuan【Jyusei Math - JyuseiMath】Arithmetic using the scores of the twelve major constellations. First, the zodiac signs are converted into 12 major constellations, and then mental arithmetic is performed, making it a fairly high-level game.This application is not yet a goal, so it will be updated in the future.